Have you heard about this "caveman" or Paleo diet? If you're like me, the first time I heard "eating like a caveman," I pictured someone ripping chunks of raw meat off a large carcass that had just been killed with a spear. And honestly, the Paleo diet does have a lot to do with that, only it also involves cooking and table manners.
The general conjured image of the caveman is of a hairy, savage fighting off wooly mammoths. In truth, the caveman did have to struggle to survive and as a succeed was lean and strong, eating only what could be hunted or gathered from his surroundings. This included lean meats, seafood, birds or fowl, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Our prehistoric ancestors were enduringly on the move and farming or raising livestock were not even concepts.
Paleo Diet
The current-day Paleo Diet stems from this old way of eating - lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. It assumes that we are biologically suited to eating the way these old ancestors of ours did. They ate the foods that were easily available, high in nutritional value, very fresh, and of course, void of additives or processing. The foods they ate were high in protein, low in fat, the bad fats, and contained all the fiber, vitamins and minerals a wholesome body needs. While at the same time eliminating the bad fats, sugars and empty fat (fried foods, candy, alcohol and refined grains) that have caused us, as a nation, to be overweight and ridden with lasting disease.
The Paleo diet avoids many of the foods we all grew up thinking were an essential part of a wholesome diet - foods such as grains (bread, cereals, crackers, tortillas and pasta) and dairy products (milk, cheeses, yogurt, ice cream). But these are the foods that can lead to the most weight gain - they contain high levels of carbohydrates, fats and salt. Eating them in large quantities contributes not only to weight gain but to other health risks such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Many athletes have embraced the Paleo diet because of its emphasis on protein from lean meats, fish and poultry. Then by adding the fresh vegetables and fruit, you add not only more protein but all the other essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. The fresher and greener the vegetables, the better. Green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale and other greens, contain essential minerals like potassium and magnesium that many Americans are lacking in their diets. And if you can get organic vegetables, that is even better.
Why would you switch to the "caveman" diet? Followers cite as the amount one reason, the increased health benefits. Because the diet is low in fat, sugar and carbohydrates, it can help you lose weight. Because of the emphasis on lean protein and fresh fruits and vegetables, you sacrifice the amount of fat consumed and get more fiber and nutrients.
The benefits to whatever who suffers from diabetes or high blood pressure or even allergies can be massive and life-changing. The Paleo diet is gluten free and allergen free and eliminates food additives (sugars, salt, hydrogenated oils) that often produce allergic reactions. When you succeed the Paleo lifestyle, you're going back to a basic, natural way of eating that can lead to a healthier, longer more vibrant life.
The Paleo Diet, What Is It?